Diet 6 petals - menu for every day

A. Johansson, a doctor from Sweden, devoted most of her life to finding a solution to the problem of obesity. As a result, she created a 6-petal diet with a menu for every day that can help almost everyone get their figure back to normal. Interesting? Today's article will reveal all the secrets of this technique.

Basic principles of nutrition 6 petals

Anna's technique is based on including only one type of food in the diet throughout the day. At the same time, all sweets must be excluded in order to force the body to get energy from its own sources.

The name identifies the chamomile flower with its petals painted in different colors only depending on the food chosen.

Here are the basic principles of Petals:

  • This is a mono diet designed for 6 days in which you are only allowed to eat 1 type of food in each of them;
  • Important: you can not use this technique for a long time and no more than 2 times a year.

  • Guaranteed daily weight loss of 500-800 grams. If you need to get rid of 3-5 kg, you will definitely not count them in a week;
  • During these 6 days it is important not to mix proteins with carbohydrates, that is, to eat them separately;
  • the amount of food should be limited - no more than 500 g of protein, up to 1. 5 kg of plant foods and up to 300 g of cereals;
  • It is strictly forbidden to add sugar to dishes, only salt and not too hot spices are allowed. On days of protein nutrition, you can eat not only meat and fish, but also broths based on them.
  • It is allowed to drink liquid in unlimited quantities, but not less than 2 liters of pure water. Tea is allowed up to 4 cups, and coffee can be drunk without adding cream and sugar.

You have access to the self-development of the menu for the 6th day with the fulfillment of all the requirements of the diet. The dish must be divided into 5 equal portions that you need to eat throughout the day.

A positive effect is achieved by avoiding the replacement of proteins with carbohydrates.

The main advantages of the diet are the following:

  1. There is no need to starve.
  2. No need to count calories.
  3. There is no need to commit to a specific time.
  4. The ability to get rid of a certain amount of excess weight in a short time, which depends on several factors - lifestyle, physical activity, gender and genetics. The only restriction - the last meal should be 2 hours before bedtime.
  5. A variety of products protect against addiction and boredom.
  6. No harm to the body from a balanced diet.

But not all nutritionists agree, since there is only one type of food to eat during the day.

Now let's analyze the disadvantages and contraindications of the technique in order to see the big picture and choose the right diet:

  • it is not suitable for too busy people, due to the need for frequent and fractional meals;
  • the diet requires sufficient funds, since the products must be of high quality and natural;
  • You can not use the diet in women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children and adolescents.

Another opinion of nutritionists agrees that extra pounds should slowly leave the body. The 6 Petal Diet results in a fast weight loss process. But you should also know that even with the strictest diet, the fat content increases to 150 g during the day. And the remaining grams are water, muscle, and gut contents.

If you follow all the rules, play sports, do not smoke or drink alcohol in excessive quantities, and, of course, this technique is not contraindicated for you, then it will only benefit you without harm to health and appearance.

Menu for every day

After committing to a 6-petal chamomile diet, it's important to remember to eat only recommended foods, including vegetables, cottage cheese, cereal, fish, chicken, and fruits. Under no circumstances should the days be mixed up - the main thing is to strictly comply with all recommendations.

Day one - fish mono diet

On this day all varieties and types of fish are allowed, including oilier ones, but no more than half a kilogram. Cooking methods are all, except frying. Such a diet saturates the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails.

Second - vegetable day

On such a day it is allowed to eat even potatoes, including all other vegetables in stewed and baked form up to 1. 5 kg, but without adding oil. Carbohydrates, slowly absorbed by the body, help get rid of excess weight, and fiber activates digestive processes.

Third day - chicken mono diet

A maximum of 500 g of chicken meat may be consumed per day. Skinless breasts are particularly suitable for this. Without carbohydrates, your body draws energy from existing fat stores.

Fourth - cereal day

On this day, choose cereals to your taste, except corn, but no more than 200 g in dry form. It is allowed to add wheat germ, greens, rolls or seeds to the finished dish.

Fifth day - cottage cheese mono diet

It is allowed to eat up to 0. 5 kg of cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5% per day. You can drink yogurt and milk up to 1. 5% fat that day. Your body will be filled with proteins and minerals that day.

Sixth - fruit day

The norm during the day is 1. 5 kg and should not be too sweet. They can be eaten not only fresh, but also baked in the oven, freshly squeezed juice or light salads.

In the second round of the technique (possibly 7 days after completing the first), other products can be included if needed. However, they remain the same on the set days. The first fish also includes, for example, octopus, shrimp and seaweed. Chicken may contain turkey, veal or beef.

Here are some tips to get the most out of this diet:

  1. Chew your food slowly and savor every bite.
  2. Drink water and other liquids some time after eating.
  3. Longer breaks between meals are not allowed.

Do not forget about the important point - a specialist consultation is necessary before starting the implementation of this diet, since it also has contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • diabetes disease (type 1 or 2);
  • CCC disorders, endocrine and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Kidney problems and bladder stones.

You should not use this technique for weight loss in the postoperative period, when the body temperature is elevated and you feel weak.

The moment of stopping the diet is also important in order to consolidate the result and feel good. First, do not immediately jump on fried and fatty foods - try to eat a balanced diet and not overeat in the first few days.

Secondly, the calorie content of meals should not exceed 2000 Kcal per day if you are regularly improving your physical fitness, and 1800 Kcal if you are far from the concept of fitness.

And thirdly, make time for the gym and long walks in the fresh air.

Diet recipes 6 petals

The recipes can be varied - it all depends on your imagination and love for cooking. Here are sample menus for each of the 6 days.


Fish soup for nutrition 6 petals
  1. Boil freshly bought fish in water or in a water bath with a little salt.
  2. Bake a piece of fish in the oven and wrap in foil.
  3. Eat some fish broth without potatoes, carrots and onions.
  4. Use the steamer to cook the planned fish.
  5. Eat a piece of boiled fish for dinner.


Mashed potatoes for the diet 6 petals
  1. Chop the cabbage and season with lemon juice.
  2. Grate fresh carrots.
  3. Boil and puree the potatoes.
  4. Grill eggplant.
  5. Eat raw vegetables in the evening.


boiled chicken fillet for diet 6 petals
  1. Separate the skin from the carcass and cook.
  2. Eat the resulting broth.
  3. Bake a piece of chicken in the oven.
  4. Lay out the meat.
  5. cook chicken breast.


Diet cereal 6 petals
  1. Oatmeal on the water with a little honey if desired.
  2. Millet.
  3. buckwheat.
  4. Boiled rice (unpeeled).
  5. buckwheat.


Cottage cheese for nutrition 6 petals
  1. Kefir without fat (jar).
  2. Fat-free yogurt and some cottage cheese.
  3. Cheese casserole.
  4. cottage cheese (0% fat).
  5. Milk - 200 ml.


Fruit for nutrition 6 petals
  1. Bake 1 apple in the oven and add a spoonful of honey.
  2. kiwi and/or orange.
  3. Peach.
  4. A pineapple.
  5. An apple.

Between meals, don't forget to drink plain water, mineral water, and herbal teas, which also include liquids like broths and soups.

For all the simplicity of this diet, there is nothing new in it - all the principles of separate nutrition have long been known and mastered. The main thing is not to combine proteins with carbohydrates in one meal. And don't drink water with meals.

Always choose quality and natural products without colorings and preservatives, eat in small portions and often. And so that your muscles do not weaken after losing weight, exercise regularly.

And remember that all your life you need to follow the rules of rational nutrition so that the result is fixed without returning the lost kilograms. This is the only way to stay fit, beautiful and satisfied with yourself.